
Friday, October 25, 2013


by Efren Ll. Cruz, RFP

By the time this blog comes out, we would have hopefully seen the conclusion to the United States’ partial government shutdown and inadequate debt ceiling.

The economic issues facing the United States are very complicated to say the least and this blog is not a venue for dissecting it.  I would rather focus on how such a shutdown can be faced by an ordinary household.

A high maintenance household or one that has a lot of fixed (non-discretionary) operating expenses will always need to be in high gear when it comes to earnings. Such a state can be highly stressful and lead to greater problems like health issues. An alternative way is to focus on expenses.

One way to lessen fixed expenses is to cut variable operating expenses that appear to be fixed.  Examples would be to lessen or reduce the: a) use of expensive to operate appliances like the air-conditioner, TV and even electric fan; b) use of family car; and c) number of household help.

Another way is to sell those assets that are causing the high fixed expenses like a big engine car, excessively large refrigerator or even a large home.

It is unfortunate though that some think they can borrow themselves out of their tight financial situation. Debt in this situation is like illegal drugs; it is nothing more than a temporary fix.  When it is time to repay the debt plus interest, cash flows are going to be tighter than ever.

For any household to run efficiently and effectively, it needs to be three things: 1) profitable in operations; 2) capable of producing additional income from its assets; and 3) able to use debt mostly to grow earning assets instead of just using it to fund consumption.

Now to be all of the three foregoing things is easier said than done. Each family member must toe the line when it comes to controlling costs and increasing profitability. Making assets themselves earn involves risks because such assets would need to be invested in either non-guaranteed financial securities or businesses.  And such risks only compound when debt is used as part of the funding.

Yet, nothing is impossible.  Firstly, the family that prays together stays together. Second, there are plentiful financial planners who can help guide families along the right path to financial freedom. The expert financial planner will not only provide the guide but also be the guide post as he helps his clients monitor their progress.

So plan your finances well and avoid a household shutdown.  You want to have a household and not a house holed.

Shared by Coach Amos

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Saturday, October 12, 2013

Identify Your Needs and Wants—And Get Control of Your Money!

To be the master of your finances, you need to effectively budget. And to effectively budget, you need to be able to differentiate a need from a want.
A need is something that you absolutely require, e.g. groceries, fuel, utilities, work clothing. 

A want is something you simply desire, but don’t necessarily need, e.g. a top of the range LED television, a manicure for your pet dog or a miniature Louis Vuitton handbag for your three year old daughter. These are wants. They are not needs.
The trend today is for people to get into debt to buy such luxury items – wants.

The strong desire for these products can often confuse people, convincing them that the item is a need and not a want. And advertisers and marketers exist to convince us that our wants are in fact our needs. If you want to control your finances and achieve your financial goals, then you need to get real with yourself. You need to master the art of distinguishing your needs from your wants. When you do this, you will realize that you aren’t as poor as you may think.
At the end of the day, our needs are limited to just four things:

Shelter - a roof over your head to keep you safe from the elements.
Adequate food and water - to keep you healthy.
Adequate health care and hygiene products - to maintain your health.
Clothing - to ensure you are comfortable and dressed appropriately.
This is all we need at the end of the day, and anything that goes beyond it - the big house, the designer clothing, the premium foods, etc are wants.
It’s okay to treat yourself along the way, provided you have the funds to do so. What isn’t wise if you really want to master your finances, is to spend money like it’s going out of fashion. No, just because premium caviar is classified as ‘food’ doesn’t make it a ‘need’. Just because that $400 Ralph Lauren shirt is ‘clothing’ doesn’t make it a ‘need.’
Distinguish what your needs and your wants are, and you will be one step towards being the master of your finances. Ask yourself if it really is a need or a want, before your open your wallet! You’ll be amazed at just how much money you really can save, and you’ll see that you really aren’t as short of money that you may think you are!

Shared by Coach Amos

Blog by John de Ridder, 0419-427-419,, Canberra, Australia