
Friday, June 7, 2013

Money Habits & Attitudes: More Important Than You May Think

“There is so much good we can do with money. Without it, we are bound and shackled and our choices become limited.” - Bob Proctor, Self Help Author & Motivational Speaker

As the old saying goes, “A man is as he thinks”. Our thoughts determine our reality, and the same can be said for money. Everybody wants more money, but not too many people are where they want to be financially. So how does one make financial security happen?

It all boils down to money habits and attitudes. The way you think about money and the way you treat it determines whether or not you will have money. Let’s compare people with money to those who don’t have it.

People with Money: People with money have a different attitude to money than those who do not. They see money as something they can easily acquire with perseverance and effort. These people see themselves as deserving of money if they put in the hard yards. Nothing is ever impossible to the successful person, and in deciding they want money, they will go out and get it. They actually dedicate their life to acquiring money, so they can have the options money gives them – options to live in a nice house, go on great holidays, drive a luxury car, wear the clothing of their choice, give their children a private education, etc. And when the money comes to them, they use it wisely. They have a plan for every pesos that comes into their household, and as a result, their pesos stretch a long way.

People without Money: People who don’t have money often complain about a lack of it. They whinge about being overworked and underpaid. They complain and make statements like, the rich are getting richer, the poor are getting poorer. They say things like, Money doesn’t grow on trees. Often as well, these people don’t think they deserve the money. They think,rich people are only rich because they have ripped somebody off or I can’t possibly make that kind of money or I would never live a lifestyle of a rich person. This negative thinking blocks them from attracting into their life opportunities for generating more money and they will be careless when any money comes to them. When money comes to these people, they spend it faster than they can think! Little wonder the money goes and they are left broke at the end of the month.

At the end of the day, to attract wealth into your life and ensure your money is used wisely, you need to have a positive attitude towards money. It’s almost as though a positive attitude towards money attracts money to you and ensures the money stays with you. It stays with you because your attitude towards money creates good habits surrounding money.

You need to allocate a job to every pesos you bring into your household. If you do not do this, the money will fritter away and you will be left wondering where it all went. You need to have an attitude to money that says you are deserving of it. And you need to commit to increasing your income, so you can have the lifestyle you want.

Money goes where it is appreciated, so start by appreciating the money you have. Think positively about money and treat it well. It will make a huge difference!

Helpful Tips for You:

Believe you deserve money
Commit to stretching your peso
Assign a task to every pesos you bring in
Commit to finding ways to make more money
Appreciate every pesos that comes in
Treat money well and it will come to you

Shared by Coach Amos

Blog by John de Ridder, 0419-427-419,, Canberra, Australia

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