
Friday, August 9, 2013

What is Retirement to You?

I’m finally back!  It’s glad to be back at writing once again after almost 10 days of trips in and out of Manila.  I just miss this aspect of what I do as it just allows me to share things and reach more people than my talks or 1:1 meetings go.  To kick things off again, we’ll continue with our retirement series where we talk about different things about retirement.  I placed an online poll over twitter and facebook as to what age would each person would want to reply.  Based on the 1451 responses almost 50% wanted to retire by their 40′s.  What amazed me was each person had his or her own take on retirement and want it meant to them along with the ages that they all wanted to retire.  There is no right or wrong age when is the best time to retire but one thing I know for sure is the earlier you prepare for it the better!  The earlier you start, the earlier you can have your money work hard for you.  If you are starting a bit later in your retirement planning don’t fret cause I believe it’s never too late to start.  Whatever you have missed out before I believe God can turn things around for good!  All is well and I believe greater things are ahead for you and your finances.
To keep up with the theme, I have requested a good friend and RFP, Edmund Lao to share his insights on what retirement is.  Enjoy!
What is Retirement?
Retirement, by definition of Wikipedia, is the point where a person stops employment completely.
Normally, employees retire from work at the mandatory retirement age of 60 to 65 years of age. Retirees have mixed feeling when that day comes. Some view it as freedom from corporate slavery and there are others who view it as the beginning of idleness or uselessness.
The fact is that, whether we like it or not, that day is certain to come. What our condition will be depends on what we do to prepare for it. As a Chinese saying goes: ”The best time to prepare for a calamity is when there is none”.
Personally, retirement, for me, is the day that I get my ticket to have the freedom do the things that I loved . That means that I do not have to trade my time for money anymore.  Retirement does not have anything to do with age as it is my financial condition that will determine my decision to end my corporate life.  The only reason that other retirees feel tha pain of retiring is because it is already too late that they realized the terror of having no money to support their golden years. There is truth to the second habit of effective people by Stephen Covey: “ Begin with the end in mind”.  That is the major reason why a lot of people fail financially. They forgot that in a man’s life there are only 3 stages, which are:
  1. Man at work,
  2. Man and money at work, and
  3. Mmoney at work.
By recklessly spending the money he made on stage 1, he will not be able to reach stage 2 and  instead of having LOI, not the former First Lady, but Living On Interest, he is sure to retire broke.
Retirement has to be fun. It is the time one can spend his time with his children and grandchildren and be an asset instead of liability. In the past, I have written about the Two Kinds of Old Age  where there are two scenarions of a retired old man, and another related one is  The Tired, The Retired and The Re-tired. In both articles, the common denominator is money.
Most of the time, when people are retired by their company and they are unprepared, they feel anger or hatred. I remembered a quote which goes like this: “Love your job, not the company, because you may never know when  the company will stop loving you”. Apparently, it is not the obligation of the company to take care of  our finances. The company’s obligation is to pay us directly proportinal to the services we have rendered. It is therefore our obligation to ourselves to plan for our retirement.
For me, based on experience, retirement planning begins on the first day one get employed. It is his opportunity to build up his funds that he can use to pay for his future.
Below are practical guidelines on how to secure one’s retirement:
-Spend less than you earn  now and save more.
-Get better net, after-tax returns on your investments.
-Work longer to earn more.
The key step in retirement planning is to determine what matters most to you and your spouse . Spend a moment now, reflect on your lifestyle in retirement, and think about how it will change from the lifestyle you enjoy today.
Lastly I’d like to thank everyone who filled up our two sessions of Stock Smarts Singapore!  Thank you all for showing up!  It was an honor to have all of you guys there!  For those who haven’t invested yet I hope that the sessions served as an eye opener for you to invest in our awesome stock market and for those that are already investing I do hope that our technical analysis workshop helped make sense of how to time your buying and selling!
I also had a fun time in the Singapore Exchange along with CNBC’s News room!
For those that emailed and asked, we will continue our stock smarts singapore modules this November!  Details to be out soon!
If you’d like to know more about retirement and how you can prepare for it, here’s one event that’s for you: August 17th Retire 2013 : A No NonSense Retirement Planning Workshop
If you’d like to learn more how to invest in the stock market and also learn how to prepare for retirement I’d like to invite you to our upcoming events:
For inquiries, registration, and payments email:

Shared by Coach Amos

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For Information and Educational purposes only

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